About Vision, Mission, Strategy

Our Vision

To improve the education, knowledge and skills of Indonesians in order to empower, bring confidence and the ensuing growth of people and their heritage.

Our Mission

Partnering with NGO’s, governments, multinational and local companies, Titian Foundation provides long-term, sustainable support to communities which have been struck by poverty, disaster and/or conflict. Our involvement is to provide the tools for ongoing stability and self-sufficiency through:

  • Construction of schools, libraries and community learning centres.

  • Supply of school equipment and books.

  • Adult skill and education programmes.

  • Promotion of sustainable micro-economics.

  • Computer literacy programmes through ICT4E (Information and Communication Technology for Education) programme.

  • IT networking among different schools within Indonesia and overseas.

Strategic Planning

To fulfil our mission we need work together with institutions of the government, other organisations that share our vision, as well as partners in the private sector. We realise the importance of establishing networks with such institutions, therefore part of our ongoing efforts are to seek allies. Together we hope to collectively work toward our shared vision of seeing less fortunate communities prosper and thrive in a self-sustainable way.

Through partners and allies, we would like to progress with other plans to help communities. These plans will hopefully come in the form of workshops that promote entrepreneurship, and programmes that provide micro financing assistance for the community. Already we have accomplished this in places like Aceh and Bayat, but we feel strongly that we can duplicate this success in other less fortunate communities in Indonesia.

Titian aims to fulfill its mission by:

  • Establishing networks with national and international organizations, among others: Companies with CSR Programmes, Donor Institutions, Educational Institutions, Non-profit Institutions, Related Government Bodies, Professional Volunteers and Community Leaders.

  • Facilitating society empowerment through education. Included in this strategy: To build education facilities and infrastructure (school buildings, libraries, sport halls), to develop, empower, and implement Education and Learning Programmes, to develop Community Learning Centres.

  • Boosting society-generated income through Entrepreneurship Training Programmes, Workshops, Facilities and Micro Financing Assistance.

  • Titian Foundation is here to improve the education, knowledge and skills of Indonesians in order to empower, bring confidence and the ensuing growth of people and their heritage.