Support Titian Partner with a Financial Contribution

Some of our partners who live in other parts of the world prefer to partner by making a financial contribution. We have created some options so that you can choose how your contribution is used.

As well as the specific options set out below, individuals and businesses may donate any amount directly to Titian. Please contact us for bank account details.

Friends of Titian


  • For individuals wishing to support us, we have a special ‘Friends of Titian’ option.
  • This involves a partnership bond for which you receive a certificate and regular updates on our work in the form of your own copy of our Titian World e-news.

IDR 500,000
IDR 1 million
IDR 10 million

Scholarship Package


  • Three-year high school education (Grade 10–12).
  • Titian’s mentorship of the student (something that makes Titian unique) to improve life and English language skills.
  • Personal invitation to send-off ceremony at the end of year three.
  • Certificate of acknowledgement.
  • Ongoing updates via Titian World e-news.

One student
IDR 25 million
Two students
IDR 50 million
Five students
IDR 125 million
Six students
IDR 150 million

CLC Library Support


  • A set of assorted books and games for one CLC.
  • Detailed list of items purchased.
  • Personal recognition at the CLC by way of a plaque.
  • Certificate of acknowledgement.
  • Ongoing updates via Titian World e-news.

25 books
IDR 2.5 million
50 books
IDR 5 million
100 books
IDR 10 million

Computer Package


  • Desktop computers for one of Titian’s CLCs (including software, printer, and accessories).
  • Personal recognition at the CLC by way of a plaque.
  • Certificate of acknowledgement.
  • Ongoing updates via Titian World e-news.

2 computers
IDR 12 million
5 computers
IDR 30 million
10 computers
IDR 60 million