Titian Foundation

Sharing with Titian Alumni

Sunday, May 16, 2021, became one of the happy moments for IKATIFO (Titian Foundation Alumni Association) friends and also Titian Foundation. Why is that? It has become a tradition at Titian Foundation, especially IKATIFO, to hold HBH (halal bihalal) right after Eid al-Fitr. Although this year’s event was held online just like the previous year, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the IKATIFO members. The main purpose of this activity is to bring together the entire family of Titian and IKATIFO.

Every year, the IKATIFO committee holds a HBH event. The HBH is the moment which every generation at Titian has been waiting for, starting from Generation 1 to Generation 12. In this pandemic period that is still not fully recovered, we didn’t want to take the risk of doing HBH offline. Moreover, the homecoming ban was implemented by the government to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

Departing from this, the IKATIFO management carried out online HBH to continue to facilitate alumni in maintaining their relationship. Of course, this is Titian’s 2nd online HBH. However, in this way everyone can reach out to all IKATIFO members wherever they are. It is hoped that this online HBH activity can give all IKATIFO members some fun activities therefore members who participate will still feel the same HBH atmosphere.

This year’s HBH event carries the theme of ‘Building Harmony to Strengthen Silaturahmi’. In accordance with the theme, this online HBH is expected to strengthen the friendship amongst IKATIFO family members wherever they are and also to maintain the harmony that has been created. Moreover, many of them cannot return to their hometowns. The HBH committee used the Titian Bayat CLC facility as the center point of the activity. Even though they gathered, they continued to apply health protocols. Inside the operational room there’s only a few people allowed to do the operational work.

At 08.30 in the morning the event started, started with a prayer together and also greetings for HBH participants. The participants came from every generation. Most of the participants were the new alumni generation which is Generation 11 Bayat. However, other generations were also present. This makes HBH became a moment where the newest generation got introduced to the IKATIFO family, and vice versa. There’s a few alumni that already have jobs or study out of town also overseas, and they cannot return home because of this situation. Not only IKATIFO members, this online HBH was also attended by Mrs. Lily, Titian staff in Jakarta, Lombok, Bayat, and South Tangerang. This moment felt really lively and memorable.

As usual, the HBH event was also filled with remarks by various parties; starting from Sifa Aiwan Kisra Gaizka from Generation 10 as the event coordinator, Irma Fatmawati from Generation 9 as the new chairman of IKATIFO, and from Titian there was Mbak Ana as the Titian Foundation program manager. However, Mbak Ana was unable to gather in person, so she delivered her remarks at home virtually.

This HBH was not solely a meeting place between members of IKATIFO alias Titian alumni, but also a place to share new knowledge and experience. The alumni who shared his story at this HBH was Mustofa from Generation 1. He shared his experience; the twists and turns of his journey when he entered SMK where he had to choose between continuing school or quitting school and becoming the breadwinner of the family. However, with a fighting spirit that never broke, he was determined to continue his education even though many of his family members did not agree with his decision. Another story also came from Putra Generation 1. He also shared about the wedang uwuh business that he started himself. In doing business, both Mustofa and Putra still brings the spirit and knowledge their facilitators had taught them for three years at Titian. Then, we got acquainted and listened to stories from the new IKATIFO family, Generation 1 Tangsel and Generation 11 Bayat. They talked about Titian and also shared their feelings about the process they were currently facing.

One of the activity sessions for each HBH that Titianers really need to pay attention to were the remarks, messages and advice from the mother of Titian’s children, who is known as Ibu Lily, she’s also the Founder of the Titian Foundation. On the occasion of this year’s HBH, she gave a little advice for Titianers to stay enthusiastic in any situation and never give up in life, because in truth every human being has a choice. She also advised us to always maintain health and follow the advice from the government. She also conveyed that Titianers should be grateful for getting the opportunity to be special, extraordinary, and great. At the end, she expressed her gratefulness because she’s able to meet this Titian family. (IKATIFO)

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